our why & our way

“Millions of caps get sold yearly and literally all of them have the same brim size. How is that possible? Is there really no better (looking!) solution than unstably moving my cap forward (see photo) or placing it sideways to protect me from UV rays and sun blinding?!”

1st prototypes, January, 2024
From the idea

with countless trials & errors
to an innovation
back to nature ...
Being bald, I’ve always worn caps - and I love them. They make me look younger, help me convey/amplify a certain outfit style and, last but not least, caps allow me using sunscreen less often.
For those who forgot where we come from: Shade is the most natural sun protection humans have relied on for centuries. The fact that I sympathise with keeping things back-to-nature probably is an underestimation. In fact, my prior startup was about making strength training more natural, having invented a freely movable training grip for fixed bars which were sold 100 thousand times.
Back to caps and what I don’t like about them: They make you think your face is less sun-exposed than it actually is! Why? As your eyes mostly do get covered, you intuitively think your nose gets too. But guess what, mostly your nose remains fully unprotected - and so do your lips, and - unless you have long hair - your ears and neck also. And guess again: It’s exactly these body parts where signs of skin aging appear first, as well as skin cancer grows first.
… fast forward: In January 2024 I had the idea of developing a headwear product, whose base still would remain a standard, thus stylish cap, but that also can be turned into a sun protection device at certain times of the day.
By the way, hi. I’m Simon Sparber, 32 years old, born & raised in the Italian Alps and my goal is to leave an impact. Thanks for your attention, and in case you may become a client, thanks for trusting a young startup.